
Do you love trees and forests? In this video, learn about the work of Dr. R K Nair and his NGO, forest Creators. These people have devoted their lives for growing trees when it wasn't even their job. And they have developed a project mode model for this to make it financially viable, with the best quality output. This video tells you about how they grow the forests, from where do they get the land and the money. Their work is really inspiring. Please watch the video. 

This video tells you about an inspiring person who has been growing thousands of trees, with or without financial support. He used to get saplings free from the forest department when he was a kid. With his school friends, he would look after the saplings lovingly till they grow into trees. Now with his fame, people generaously donate money to his NGO so that trees are planted all over the country. His list of volunteers runs into lakhs and they all keep working towards greening the earth. The purpose of this video is to tell you a little bit about his work and to enable you to become a tree grower yourself. This is a short version of Peepal Baba's tree planting technique. A personal interview with him is also put up on this page. Please watch it to see the great man yourself! 

Peepal Baba is a revered name in the world of tree planting who has planted more than 2 crore trees. For him, tree planting is a community activity - he invites everyone to join him in planting trees. In this video, he explains how he would like people to go about planting trees. The interview was taken by the founding Director of CFFL, Prof. Alka Parikh.  

Ramveer Tanwar is an exceptional man who, immediately after doing his B.Tech, decided not to do a job but rejuvinate lakes! He was a common villager, with parents pinning their hopes on his job. But he chose the harder path of doing social good. And today, within just 5-6 years, he has rejuvinated 85 lakes! Google him and you would see how famous he already is! A normal corporate job would have never earned him so much respect. 

At a young age of 22, Ramveer Tanwar decided to devote his life to reviving ponds and has revived 85 ponds in just 5-6 years. It is not easy to imagine how a lake can be revived. In this video, Ramveer ji explains the whole process. From the removal of the solid waste to raising funds, and the need to always have the support of the local community. 

Jantar Mantar structures are very impressive but they are not easy to understand. In this video, I have tried to explain, using an example of a child birth, how the Jantar Mantar yantras will be used to collect the information needed to make a horoscope. 

Auroville, built on the principles of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, is a very unique place in India. It represents harmony, spiritual growth and free flight for the soul. Possesions are few here, fame is not sought after; you live to express yourself joyfully and to serve the humanity and God. This briefly introduces you to this awe inspiring place. 

Our previous video speaks about the unique points of Auroville as a township. In this video, we show how its economy also moves on principles. It was dreamt to be a moneyless economy which could not happen but people still live a simple, frugal life voluntarily. It is a unique experiment. 

IIHSG 2023 Alka.mp4

This is a talk given on "Enhancing Human Security through improving air quality and water availability" in the International Conference on Security, Identity and Global Governance", organized by IIHSG, Delhi. 16-17 November, 2023. CFFL was the parter organization for the conference.  

We came across Maria Auxiliadora dos Santos Portela in Brazil and was impressed to hear her story about how she completely changed her life after attending just one workshop on yoga. It requires a lot of determination and courage. Cheers for Maria! 

In this talk, Prof. Alka Parikh talks about her journey of understanding food security. She highlights the manner in which an individual can contribute to ensure that no one goes to sleep on an empty stomach.